Thursday, May 7, 2009

Leg 9: Navery's on the move...

Flo coming in for the hand-off to Navery.... exchange 9.

I can do that all day! ;)

Navery's on the move!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Leg 8: Flo's turn!!!

Driving to meet Monica at exchange 8 and get Flo started!

...successfully at the next exchange :)

at the beautiful Hudson Vineyards, Carneros, Napa Valley.

Flo's ready to go!

Andrea and Flo.

Here comes Monica!

...and off our speedy Flo goes!!

Leg 7: Van no. 2 kickoff!

Quick pit-stop at the Oakville Grocery, Napa Valley, before meeting Van no. 1...

It may have been bad weather,
but the fog-blanketed hills of Wine Country were gorgeous.

Van no. 2 anxiously awaits their start... the gym of the First Baptist Church, exchange 7.

Sarah and Rory.
Hanging in the gym- Sarah, STUDYING! and Rory, resting his lead foot!!! haha!

(...Med students don't get to break!)

Monica gearing up for her first run!

Monica and Donya.

We're EXCITED!!!!!!

Navery and Amy.

Sarah and Andrea.

Here comes Elyse.... wooo hooo!!!!

and off goes Mon!!!

all night runners

Running in the middle of the night can get a little hairy when you're on a poorly marked farm road with no street lights or shoulder...  Most of us ran with 2 headlamps, a reflective vest, a cellphone, mace and a whistle....

Luckily, we had a great crew who was ready to support us along the way if things got too spooky!

Here is Elyse, the last runner in van #2 after she crossed the Golden Gate bridge at around 2 in the morning!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Meet the Driver

We couldn't have asked for a better driver this weekend!  

I  mean...just look at him....   :)

But really...  David was amazing!  He even got out and ran for a few miles with Kelley!


almost there....

Leg 13 EXCHANGE!!! (getting darker now...)

Leg 13, Runner #1 Kelley
6 miles
Nicasio to San Geronimo, CA

Amy hauled it to the second exchange station, where Kelley kicked off another 6 legs of running!

The Van

Each van was labelled with our team number, 146.  It also had some reminder rules just in case...

It wasn't long before our trusty dodge was soaked and muddy...  


While the second Van made their way through Sonoma, we hightailed it to Petaluma to wait at the next exchange station